
gewi-Institut für Gesundheitswirtschaft e.V.

i.e. the Institute for healthcare studies is based in Cologne, Germany. It focuses particularly on healthy ageing and integrated care topics. Research on health care delivery, the role of care-givers, living conditions and the needs of the elderly is conducted following a systemic yet patient-centered perspective. Determinants of healthy ageing include labour conditions, level of income, living situations and social participation.

gewi is an official member of the HealthRegion CologneBonn (HRCB, see www.health-region.de) which is one of six official “health regions” within the Land of North Rhine Westphalia. HRCB was established in 2009 as a registered association and considers itself an industry-wide, cross-sectoral cooperation platform of relevant actors in the regional health sector. The network of the Health Region Cologne Bonn consists of more than 130 member organisations, such as territorial entities, professional associations, enterprises, universities, health insurances, hospitals. HRCB’s main objectives are to achieve a closer integration of academia, research, business as well as care and medical services. Among others, HRCB is coordinating the Ecosystem Rhineland within the ECHAlliance ecosystem network, is partner of the CORAL network (Community of Regions for AAL) and active in the B3 Action Group “Integrated Care” within the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA). Since 2019 the region HealthRegion CologneBonn is an official EIP on AHA (European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing) reference site. As a research institute, gewi is an essential pillar of the HRCB governance structure and has been acting as the legitimate contact for local government when coordinating research or representing the region’s interests in active and healthy living.